No Hosting Plan, No Problem: Make Your Private Squarespace Site Accessible to Others

We all know the feeling – you've poured hours into designing your beautiful new Squarespace website, and you're almost ready to unveil it to the world. But before you hit that publish button and commit to a hosting plan, wouldn't it be great to get some feedback? Maybe you want your colleagues to take a look, or perhaps you're eager to hear what your ideal clients think. The good news is, you don't have to wait!

Even if you're just on Squarespace's free trial, you can still share your work-in-progress with others. (And speaking of free trials – Squarespace typically offers a 14-day trial, but if you grab one of my templates from the shop, you'll get a whopping 6-month trial to play with!)

In this quick tip, I'll show you how to password-protect your Squarespace site so that people with the password can view it. It's a simple but powerful way to gather feedback and make sure your site is absolutely perfect before it goes live.

Let's get started!

Make your private SQSP site accessible

Step-by-Step Guide to Password-Protect your Squarespace 7.1 Site

  1. Access your Website: From your Squarespace dashboard, locate and click on the website you want to password-protect. This will take you to the website editor.

  2. Navigate to Settings: In the left-hand menu of the website editor, scroll down and click on "Settings" (this might only show as an icon towards the bottom).

  3. Select Website: Within the Settings menu, you'll see several options. Click on "Website".

  4. Choose Site Availability: In the Website settings, look for the section titled "Site Availability".

  5. Select "Password Protected": Your site is currently most likely set to “Private” - pick "Password Protected" instead.

  6. Set a Password: A field will appear where you can enter your desired password.

  • Tip for Easy Access: If you want to make it simple for people to access your site, choose a short, memorable password.

  • Tip for High Security: If you need to keep your site very private, use a long, complex password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

  1. Save: Once you've entered your password, click the "Save" button at the top of the settings panel.

And that’s it - now your site is accessible with password protection!

Locate your Squarespace Site Avalability settings

How to locate and update your Site Availability settings

Bonus Tip: Skip the Login – Create a Direct Access Link

Want to make it even easier for your trusted visitors? You can create a special link that automatically includes your password. This way, they won't even have to type it in!

Here's how to create the link:

  1. Get your Site's Address: Find the web address (URL) of your Squarespace site. It usually looks like this:

  2. Add the Password Parameter: At the end of your site's address, add ?password= followed by your actual password.


If your site's address is and your password is secret123, the direct access link would be:


  • Share this link only with your intended audience. Anyone with the link can view your site.

  • Don't include spaces in your password or in the link itself.

This little trick can save your visitors a few clicks and make their experience even smoother!

Troubleshooting & Important Reminders:

  • Test it Out! Before you share your password or direct access link, open a private browser window or log out of your Squarespace account, and try accessing your site. This ensures the password protection is working as intended.

  • Password Security Matters! If you're sharing sensitive information on your site or it’s for some other reason critical, that only your intended audience views it, choose a strong password. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.

  • Clear Communication: When you share the password or link, clearly explain to your visitors that the site is still under development and you're looking for their feedback.

  • Don't Forget to Unprotect! When you're ready to launch your site to the world, remember to go back to your Site Availability settings and change it to "Public".

With these tips in mind, you can confidently share your Squarespace site before launch, gather valuable feedback, and ensure a smooth transition when you're ready to go live!


And there you have it! With just a few simple clicks, you can open up your Squarespace site to a select audience, even before you've committed to a hosting plan. It's a fantastic way to gather feedback and fine-tune your site before its grand debut.

So go ahead, give it a try! Password-protect your site today and start sharing your work with confidence.

P.S. If you're looking for stunning Squarespace templates that are easy to customize (even for beginners!), don't forget to check out my template shop. Plus, when you purchase a template, you'll get a 6-month free trial on Squarespace – giving you plenty of time to perfect your site before going live. Happy designing!


  • Absolutely! You can make your entire Squarespace website private using the password protection feature we just discussed. Alternatively, you can also choose to password-protect individual pages or sections of your site if you prefer.

  • Yes, you can! Even without a paid hosting plan, you can share your Squarespace site with others while it's still in development by using password protection.

  • Once you've password-protected your site, you can share it in two ways:

    • Share the Password: Give the password directly to the people you want to grant access to.

    • Share a Direct Access Link: Create a special link that includes the password, so visitors don't have to log in manually. (See the "Bonus Tip" section above for instructions).

  • Yes, multiple people can collaborate on a Squarespace website. You can invite others to your site as contributors or administrators, giving them different levels of access and editing permissions.

  • To make your Squarespace site not public, you have two options:

    • Password Protection: This allows only people with the password to view your site.

    • Private: This setting makes your site completely inaccessible to anyone except you and other contributors with editing permissions.

  • You can share your Squarespace website in a few ways:

    • Publicly: Once you're ready to launch, simply disable password protection and your site will be accessible to everyone.

    • Privately: Use password protection or direct access links to share your site with specific people before launch.

    • Social Media: Share links to your site on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

  • Yes, you can have multiple websites under one Squarespace account. Each website will have its own separate settings, content, and domain name.

Let others access your private  Squarespace site

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Tanja Schmidt

Skilled web designer and Squarespace Circle member dedicated to crafting beautiful, user-centric websites. Founder of Carian Creative. In my free time, you'll find me exploring nature with my horse. Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn.

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