1-Minute Quick Tip: Customize Your Built-In Squarespace Domain

Ever noticed that quirky domain name Squarespace automatically assigns to your site? It might look something like wedge-tortoise-3xxl.squarespace.com. While it’s certainly unique, it's not exactly the most polished or memorable address for showcasing your work to clients, co-workers, or your boss.

Thankfully, Squarespace makes it easy to change this to a custom domain before connecting your own domain and going live. This is particularly helpful when you want to share your site with colleagues or potential clients for feedback, without making it public just yet. 

Customize Your Built-in Squarespace Domain

Why Bother?

  1. Professionalism: A custom domain like myclientsproject.squarespace.com conveys professionalism and makes it easier for clients to recall and access your work.

  2. Seamless Experience: Avoid confusing your clients or colleagues with a jumble of random words and characters. A clean, relevant domain creates a smoother experience during previews.

  1. Focused Feedback: Direct attention to the website's content and design, rather than a distracting, weird-looking domain name.

How to Customize:

  1. Acces your website via your Squarespace dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Settings -> Domains & Email -> Domains.

  3. Under Site ID, click on the current name. The Site ID represents the first part of the Squarespace domain which is unique to your site (e.g., wedge-tortoise-3xxl). This is also called a “sub-domain”.

  4. Enter a new, unique and descriptive name (e.g., myclientsproject).

  5. Click Save. Your chosen Site ID will now display as the first part of your Squarespace domain (e.g., myclientsproject.squarespace.com).

Steps to update your Squarespace Site ID

How to find your Site ID settings

Keep in Mind

  • The name must be unique to all Squarespace websites. If it’s not, Squarespace will show an error message and you can try again with a different Site ID idea.

  • This change only affects the temporary Squarespace domain, not your own custom domain. You'll still need to connect your own domain separately when ready to launch.


And that’s a wrap! Take a quick minute today to customize your Squarespace domain and elevate your client and colleague interactions. It's a small change that can make a big difference in how your work is perceived. Remember, first impressions matter, and a professional domain sets the stage for a positive experience from the very first click. So go ahead, give your Squarespace site the domain it deserves, and watch your website previews shine!

Quick Tip Tutorial to Update Squarespace Site ID

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Tanja Schmidt

Skilled web designer and Squarespace Circle member dedicated to crafting beautiful, user-centric websites. Founder of Carian Creative. In my free time, you'll find me exploring nature with my horse. Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn.


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