Effortless Navigation: Easily Jump to Any Section on Your Squarespace Site

Ever wished you could instantly transport your visitors to a specific part of your website, like a magic portal? ✨ Well, you can, with a simple trick called "jump links”!

Sometimes also called “anchor links”, these handy little links let you create shortcuts to any section within your pages. So, instead of forcing people to scroll endlessly to find what they're looking for, you can give them a quick and easy way to jump right to the good stuff. Think of it like a table of contents for your website, but way more interactive and fun! In this guide, I'll walk you through how to add these magical “jump links” to your Squarespace 7.1 site, even if you're not a tech whiz. Get ready to make your website navigation a breeze for your visitors!

Woman jumping, text: Easy, create jump links in Squarespace

Why “Jump Links” are Awesome 🤩

Okay, so you might be wondering, why bother with these “jump links”? Well, they bring a bunch of cool benefits to your website:

  • No More Endless Scrolling! 🙋‍♀️ Say goodbye to forcing your visitors to scroll, scroll, scroll to find what they need. With “jump links”, they can zip straight to the important stuff.

  • Help People Find Important Info Fast! 🚀 Got a pricing table, contact details, or a special offer you want people to see? Make it easy for them with a quick link.

  • Make Your Site Feel More Organized and Professional ✨ “Jump links” add a touch of polish and make it clear you care about your visitors' experience.

  • Boost Your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 📈 Search engines like Google love it when your site is easy to navigate. “Jump links” can help them understand your content better, which might even give you a little boost in search results.

  • Happy Visitors = More Engagement! 😄 When people can easily find what they need, they're more likely to stick around, explore your site, and maybe even become customers.

How to Create “Jump Links” in Squarespace 7.1 (Step-by-Step) 🚶‍♀️

Ready to add some magic to your Squarespace site? Let's dive into these simple steps:

1. Pick the Spot 📍

Choose the specific section or block on your page that you want to create a “jump link” for. This could be a particular heading, a paragraph, an image, or even a button.

2. Mark It 🏷️

Now, let's add a special marker to that section, so Squarespace knows where to “jump”.

  • In the relevant section, click on "ADD BLOCK".

  • Choose “Code”.

  • Delete the default code and replace it with this:

<div id="your-unique-id"></div>
  • Replace “your-unique-id” with a unique name for your marker. This acts like a secret code for that section. Keep it short, descriptive, and use only letters, numbers, and hyphens (no spaces or special characters). For example, if you're linking to your 'Contact' section, you could use “contact” or “contact-us”. Important: Make sure to keep the quotation marks around your id name.

  • Move the code block to the very top of the area you want to link to (the top of the section, the top of an image, etc.).

Steps to add a code block

Take these steps to add a code block to your target section

3. Create the Link 🔗

  • It's time to create the actual link that will trigger the 'jump'.

    • Highlight the text, or edit the image or button you want to turn into a “jump link”.

    • Click on the “Link” icon (it looks like a chain).

    • Now, you have three options for creating your link:

      • Short link that only works for linking to the same page:

        • You can use this simple structure: /#your-id

      • Link that also works for linking to a different page on your site:

        • You can use this structure: /your-page/#your-id

        • When you type the forward slash in the link box, you'll get a list of all your pages to choose from.

      • Full link that always works, be it with linking from your own or an external site:

        • Use the full URL: https://www.yourdomain.com/your-page/#your-id

    • In all cases, ensure your “id” is written exactly the same as in your code block.

That's it! You've created a “jump to” link. 🎉 Now, when someone clicks on that link, they'll be instantly transported to the marked section on your page.

Steps to add an id-link to a button

Link from a button (or image / text) to your target area.

Tips for Making Your “Jump Links” Super Helpful ✨

Now that you know the basics, let's make sure your “jump links” (aka “anchor links") are as user-friendly as possible:

  • Use Clear and Descriptive Names: Instead of just using "Section 1" or "Link 2", give your links names that tell people exactly where they'll go. For example, "See Our Pricing" or "Learn More About Us."

  • Make Them Easy to Find: Consider adding your most important “jump links” to your main navigation menu or a prominent spot on your homepage. This way, people can easily access key sections of your site without having to hunt for them.

  • Style Them Up: Make your “jump links” stand out! Use a different color, make them bold, or turn them into eye-catching buttons.

  • Test, Test, Test! Before you share your site with the world, click on all your “jump links” to make sure they're working correctly and taking people to the right places.

  • Get Creative! “Jump links” can be used in so many ways! Use them to:

    • Create a table of contents at the top of a long blog post.

    • Link to specific products or services on your sales page.

    • Highlight testimonials or FAQs.

    • The possibilities are endless!

Troubleshooting: What to Do If Things Go Wonky 🛠️

Even with the best intentions, sometimes things don't go quite as planned. If your “jump links” aren't working as expected, don't panic! Here are a few common hiccups and how to fix them:

  • Link Not Working at All? 🤔

    • Double-check that you've copied the link correctly.

    • Make sure the “id” in your link matches the “id” in your code block exactly (including capitalization and any hyphens).

    • If you've recently made changes to your site, try saving and refreshing the page to ensure everything is updated.

  • Opens in a New Tab? 🐸 Make sure you've deselected the "Open in New Tab" option in the link editor.

  • Jumping to the Wrong Spot? 🥴

    • Each “id” on your site needs to be unique. If you have multiple “jump link” destinations, make sure each one has a different “id” name.

    • If you've moved or rearranged sections on your page, you might need to update your “jump links” to reflect the new layout.

  • Clicking the Link Only Works Once? 🔄

    • You're likely logged into your Squarespace account and viewing a URL with "/config" at the end.

    • To test the site like a real visitor, open a private browsing window (shortcut in most browsers: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P), go to your site, and try clicking the link again.

    • Important: If your site hasn't been published yet, make sure it's set to be accessible with a password at least.

  • Still Stuck? 🙋‍♀️

    • Don't hesitate to reach out to Squarespace customer support or consult their online help resources.

    • If you're working with a Squarespace web designer (like me! 😉), they'll be happy to help you troubleshoot any issues.

Additional Tips:

  • Clear Your Cache: Sometimes your browser might be holding onto an old version of your site, causing the “jump to” links to misbehave. Try clearing your browser's cache and see if that fixes the issue.

  • Check for Conflicting Code: If you've added any custom code to your site, it's possible that it's interfering with the “jump to” link functionality. Try temporarily disabling any custom code to see if that resolves the problem.

Bonus Tip: Smooth Scroll ✨

Want to add a touch of elegance to your “jump links”? Let's make them scroll smoothly instead of jumping abruptly. It's like adding a little bit of magic to your site's navigation!

1. Find the Custom CSS Area

  • In your Squarespace dashboard, go to Pages > scroll down to: Utilities > go to Website Tools > Custom CSS.

2. Paste the Code

  • Copy and paste this code into the Custom CSS box:

html { 
  scroll-behavior: smooth; 

3. Save and Enjoy!

  • Click 'Save' and that's it! Now, when someone clicks a “jump link” that leads to a section on the same page, they'll experience a smooth, animated scroll instead of an instant jump.

Steps to add smooth scroll CSS code

Where to add your smooth-scroll CSS code to your Squarespace 7.1 website

Important Notes:

  • This smooth scroll effect will only work for links that point to sections within the same page. Links to other pages will still behave normally.

  • Some older browsers might not support smooth scrolling, but most modern ones do.

Conclusion 🎉

And there you have it! You've now unlocked the power of “jump links” in Squarespace 7.1. With a little practice, you can use them to create a seamless navigation experience for your visitors, making it easier than ever for them to find what they need and stay engaged with your content.

Remember, a well-organized and easy-to-navigate website is key to a positive user experience, which can lead to more conversions, better search engine rankings, and ultimately, a more successful online presence.

So, what are you waiting for? Start adding those “jump links” and watch your website's navigation soar.

Happy linking! 🚀


  • You create a jump link (or anchor link) by first adding a special marker (called an "id") to the section you want to link to.

  • Absolutely! You can create jump links to sections on other pages of your website. Just make sure to include the full URL of the page you're linking to, followed by the hashtag and the "id" of the section you want to target.

  • Yes, you can turn any clickable element on your page into a jump link, including images, buttons, and even navigation menu items.

  • Yes, jump links generally work on mobile devices, but there can be some subtle differences in how they behave compared to desktop browsers.

    For example, on some mobile devices, clicking a jump link might cause the page to reload briefly before jumping to the anchored section. This is usually just a minor visual glitch and doesn't affect the overall functionality.

    In rare cases, certain mobile browsers might have trouble interpreting complex jump links or might exhibit slightly different scrolling behavior.

    It's always a good practice to thoroughly test your jump links on various mobile devices and browsers to ensure a smooth user experience for all your visitors.

  • Definitely! You can use Squarespace's built-in style editor or custom CSS to change the appearance of your jump links, such as their color, font size, or even add hover effects.

  • Yes, you can jump to specific sections within a page in Squarespace using jump links (also known as anchor links). This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this.

  • Yes, Squarespace fully supports anchor links, allowing you to create internal links that jump to specific sections within your pages.

  • You can hyperlink to a specific part of a page using an anchor link. Follow the steps outlined in this article to learn how to create and implement anchor links in Squarespace 7.1

  • Jump links improve user experience by allowing visitors to quickly navigate to relevant content, enhance SEO by making your site easier for search engines to understand, and contribute to a more organized and professional website.

  • Item descriptionNo, anchor links are not bad for SEO. In fact, they can be beneficial as they help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content, potentially improving your search rankings.

  • Item descriptionump links, also known as anchor links, are special hyperlinks that allow users to jump directly to a specific section within a webpage, eliminating the need for excessive scrolling.

  • Yes, you can add a touch of elegance to your jump links by enabling smooth scrolling. Check out my recent blog post on how to add smooth scrolling to your Squarespace site for a simple tutorial.

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Tanja Schmidt

Skilled web designer and Squarespace Circle member dedicated to crafting beautiful, user-centric websites. Founder of Carian Creative. In my free time, you'll find me exploring nature with my horse. Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn.


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